Ideas for a City that Cares
Society, Current Issues
Ezio Manzini
Egea/Bocconi UP
Ezio Manzini is a leading thinker in design for sustainability and the founder of DESIS, an international network on design for social innovation and sustainability. Currently, he is Honorary Professor at Politecnico di Milano. He has taught at several international schools, such as Elisava (Barcelona), University of the Arts (London), Parsons (NYC), Tongji University (Shanghai). His most recent books include Design, When Everybody Designs. An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation (2015...
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A contribution to the social debate on the city and its future, this book focuses on an idea that has been circulating for a while and that, in recent years, has received wider attention: that of a city in which everything that is needed for daily life is just a few minutes away by foot from where people live. In addition, it focuses on the idea of a city where functional proximity corresponds to a relational proximity, thanks to which people have more opportunities to meet and support each other, care for each other and the environment, and collaborate to reach common goals.
Ultimately, a city built around the life needs of its inhabitants and an idea of livable proximity in which they can find what they need to live, and to do so together with others.
The underlying question in this book is: can we imagine the contemporary city starting from a new idea of proximity? The answer it gives is: yes, it can be done. In fact, the social innovations of the last 20 years show where to start from. Many cities in the world, including Paris, Barcelona, and Milan have made a commitment and are taking steps in this direction, offering concrete examples of what a city of proximity could be: a place where social innovation, care, common goods, shared places, and enabling digital platforms become the keywords of a new and widespread social capacity to design.